'Life After Loss' is a new informal support group where you can speak about your loss and feelings, or just chat to others knowing they have experienced grief too.

Our aim is for those grieving, who may feel isolated and alone in their grief, to make new connections and friendships.

Group sessions are held fortnightly at the Living Well Hub at the Brae Youth Centre, 3-4pm.

No need to book, just drop in!

Upcoming dates are:

Friday 24th May

Friday 7th June; 21st June

Friday 5th July; 19th July

Friday 2nd August; 16th August; 30th August

Friday 13th September; 27th September

  • Open to anyone bereaved, to come together in a kind, supportive and welcoming group where it is safe to talk about your grief.
  • Drop in sessions, no need to book.
  • Come along and have a cuppa and cake. Socialise, meet others and make new friendships.
  • Facilitated by qualified bereavement support workers.
  • Free to attend.

Please respect others privacy in the group, by keeping shared conversations strictly confidential. We want everyone to feel relaxed and able to talk freely.

PLEASE NOTE: This group is not for group therapy OR one to one counselling support. If you require one to one bereavement support, please contact SBSS to self refer to the service - referral forms available here.